The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation is a fervent promoter of multi-stakeholder partnerships for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It supports countries in establishing and strengthening platforms for multi-stakeholder dialogue and bringing together a wide variety actors to collaborate in the spirit of openness, trust and mutual respect.

The Global Partnership’s work is guided by the principles of development effectiveness – a focus on results, country ownership, inclusivity and transparency and accountability. By sharing knowledge and learning from diverse modalities of development co-operation, the Global Partnership helps scale up the impact of development co-operation. Through inclusive dialogue, the Global Partnership helps development partners realise the shared benefit of co-operation.

The Global Partnership also contributes to SDG follow-up and review through its monitoring framework, which assesses progress against a set of 10 indicators that focus on strengthening developing countries’ and territories’ institutions, increasing the transparency and predictability of development co-operation, enhancing gender equality and supporting greater involvement of civil society, parliaments and the private sector. The monitoring exercise generates evidence that supports development actors in maximising the impact of development resources, and reinforces productive, multi-stakeholder dialogue. As illustrated in the following stories from Bangladesh, Tanzania, Kenya, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Mexico, Uganda and Myanmar, the Global Partnership’s work supports countries on their unique paths to realising the 2030 Agenda.
